
General Options Tab
Click theÆ Save SoundFont filter enable in *.midÆ checkbox to save off controller changes in the midi file which enables the AWE / SBLive on-board filter. To use this option, ensure it is checked (it is initially disabled), save a midi file, load it into your sequencer (and load the SoundFont into your soundcard), and map the modulation wheel of your midi keyboard to controller 38 (the Data Entry Controller). You may now alter the cut-off point with the mod wheel. Do not use this option without a SoundBlaster; you will probably experience playback æclicksÆ if you do. This allows you to simply reproduce the filter effects as increasingly used on breakbeats in drum and bass, and filtered disco loops. However, it is also worthwhile trying upon synth sounds and vocals.

Similarly, to select the location of the external sample editor panel, click æBrowseÆ, locate the program file, and click æOKÆ.

You may also enable or disable the Undo buffer (saving memory) from here. To use the old-style right mouse button menu, check the box of the same name (using this option will remove the duplicated toolbar buttons from display). Additionally, the æPlayÆ, æStopÆ, etc. legends can be turned on or off from here. The ædefault to 1 barÆ option ensures that a setting of 1 bars 0 beats is made upon loading; otherwise, these will default to 0. The æshow open dialog on startupÆ allows speedy loading when WaveSurgeon is started. Finally, it is also possible to turn off the prompts which appear when an unsaved file is closed.

Colour Tab
Choose the colour you wish to change with the æChange ColourÆ listbox, and clicking æChangeÆ. You can then alter the colour with a standard Windows colour requester. Any changes are reflected on the Tab; click æOkÆ to use the new colours, and æCancelÆ to keep the old ones.

File locations
This tab contains the locations of files used by WaveSurgeon, including control panel file, and temporary path.. To select the location of the soundcard control panel, click æBrowseÆ, locate the file and click æOKÆ. This is normally named æAwecp32.exeÆ for AWE soundcards, whilst the SBLive equivalent is installed by default in æC:\Program Files\Creative\SBLive\AudioHQ\AUDIOHQ.EXEÆ. If you change the temporary path, you will need to restart before they are recognised.

Devices Tab
This allows you to select the wave output devices (for audio playback). You may also alter the number of buffers, and their size, for audio playback. This may help to reduce clicks in audio playback.